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trak | News
New outdoor charging station - More space & efficiency for logistics…

New outdoor charging station - More space & efficiency for your logistics business

Corporate | News
Lithium-ion battery recycling: important milestone reached.

Partnership of HOPPECKE and Huayou Recycling

grid | Energy blog | Customer magazine
grid | Xtreme VR - Used in Canada’s largest nuclear power plant

grid | Xtreme VR in Canada´s largest nuclear power plant

trak | Energy blog | Case study
Reduced energy costs even in deep temperature range

picture of the customer´s charging station

grid | Energy blog | Case study
Power for the energy transition

Picture of the battery system at the customer´s site

sun | News
Energy in the middle of the Amazonas region

Amazons over 9000 SIGFI-Systems

trak | Energy blog | Case study
Tailored-made charging room for a large logistics service provider

24-hour warehouse operation with HOPPECKE solutions

sun | Energy blog | Customer magazine
HOPPECKE sun | power batteries - worldwide projects in an overview

Service | Energy blog
HOPPECKE Service - Introducing our strong team


grid | Energy blog | Customer magazine
grid | Xtreme VR - Keeping international sporting events live

grid | Xtreme VR in international sporting events

trak | Energy blog | Case study
Permanent battery availability through a charging station

Corporate | Energy blog
Energy supply in transition

Ways to generate electricity

Corporate | Energy blog
Gas-fired power plants - back-up for wind and solar energy

Gas-fired power plants

Corporate | Energy blog
Green hydrogen - new important pillar of the energy transition

The EU wants to promote the production and use of green hydrogen in Europe

Corporate | Energy blog
Solar energy and photovoltaic plants – harnessing the power of the sun

HOPPECKE - Solar energy has to be stored temporally

Corporate | News
Recycle lithium-ion batteries? A challenge that still needs to be solved…

HOPPECKE and Huayou