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"Solar helps": HOPPECKE batteries for Ukrainian school in Irprin

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"Solar helps": HOPPECKE batteries for Ukrainian school in Irprin - Tuesday, 29.11.2022

On 25.11.2022 the time had finally come: pupils from School 17 in Irprin, Ukraine, received their own PV system for their school. As part of the donation project "Solar hilft" (Solar helps) of the Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V. (BSW for short), the first project was completed and the solar system was handed over with our batteries. Many infrastructures in Ukraine have been destroyed by the war. Now the BSW and its members are helping to solarise and improve the energy supply in the country. 

The PV system comprises 52 modules with a total output of 20 kilowatts and 48 sealed OPzV cells (sun | power VRL) with a nominal capacity of 55.3 kWh. It also offers the possibility for bidirectional charging, so that when there is an existing connection to the grid and low solar irradiation, the batteries can also be charged with grid power. This additionally ensures increased energy supply security. 

It was a matter of the heart for us to support this project and give the children back a piece of normality.

You can find more information about the project and the appeal for donations here: Spendenprojekt „Solar hilft“ startet | Bundesverband SolarwirtschaftBundesverband Solarwirtschaft

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