Low-maintenance, vented, stationary lead-acid battery

grid | power V M

grid | power V M (OSP.HC / OSP.HB) is a vented lead-acid battery that was developed for critical and safety-relevant applications. In applications such as energy supply, a reliable UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) is of crucial importance. This product can also deliver very high amounts of energy in ranges of 1min-5h thanks to the high-current-compatible grid design. In addition, HOPPECKE will provide you with a indivudual- made battery rack for your critical application, which will be approved for you together with the battery. Make use of HOPPECKE's know-how in this area and ensure that no risk is taken with the energy supply. In addition, the very high capacity density of the product can save you a lot of money and space; Convince yourself of the product performance and ask HOPPECKE for the project planning data, which was measured in accordance with IEC60896. The DIN compatible batteries are transparent (ease of maintenance) and can be easily exchanged because they fit in the common DIN cabinets. IEEE and KTA approvals are available and accordingly this proven product is used and appreciated by customers.


Area of Application:

  • Fossil power plants
  • Emergency power supply (UPS)
  • Safety lighting
  • Nuclear powerplants

Product data:

Construction vented - Battery with liquid electrolyte
Series OSP - Stationary 3D grid plate
Technology Lead-acid
Performance M - Discharge with medium current
Product group Cells, Blocks, Modules

Norms and standards

  • IEC-60896-11
  • IEEE-535


Your advantages

  • Very good high current capability enables short autonomy times with high loads. So you are well prepared for an emergency
  • Low investment costs due to high energy density in relation to the surface
  • Approved product also for critical applications such as energy power plants. This proves the high reliability of the product



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Technical documentation

9.6 MB | pdf-file
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Data sheet

0.7 MB | pdf-file
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Accessories & options

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