In order to get off to a successful start after university, it is important to lay the foundations during your course and gain practical experience. This is only possible when businesses allow students to easily combine work and study. HOPPECKE offers a range of highly flexible employment models here:
HOPPECKE Student Programme
- Regular work (during holidays or days without lectures)
- Regular monthly salary
- Compulsory internship (generally 3 to 6 months)
- Voluntary internship (generally 3 months)
Student placement
- Work up to 20 hours per week during the semester
- Work full-time in the holidays
Undergraduate or postgraduate project/thesis
- Duration: Generally 3 to 6 months
- We will be happy to help you develop topics and provide assistance for your project or thesis
- Bonuses for good grades
Find out about the many opportunities to take responsibility for your professional future and make important contacts at HOPPECKE during your studies. We look forward to receiving your application.